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How to Search the Image Library
The Image Library page allows you to search our extensive image archive database for reference information about specific artwork titles, even if you can only remember part of the title or part of the artist's last name. The information displayed on the page is for reference only. It was originally designed to help art owners identify pieces whose titles they don't know. For a variety of reasons, it's fairly common for someone to own a piece and not know its correct title. For example, they may have inherited it, bought it at auction, or bought it from a gallery who mislabeled the piece. With the thousands of images available on this page, it becomes fairly easy to locate an undefined piece and put a proper title to it.

Art collectors can use this tool to find pieces that they may not be aware of. No gallery can have an artist's complete body of work available in their gallery. With the Image Library page, you'll be able to glace through a large body of work quickly until you find and select the ones that appeal to you the most. Using our Personal Gallery builder, you'll be able to save your favorites and refer back to them whenever you want. Call us when you're ready to buy and we'll help you to locate those pieces, even if they're sold out and hard to come by.

There are 5 main fields that you can use to select a list of titles: Titles, Artists Last Name, Artists First Name, Subject, and Year Produced. In front of each field there is a pulldown menu of modifiers that will change how the search is performed. For example, Title starts with... is the default modifier for the Titles field. Plugging in "ab" will select any title that starts with "ab". If you change the Titles modifier to Title ends with..., the search will retrieve all titles that end with "ab". Each field has a different set of modifiers. You can use any combination of fields and modifiers to find the list of titles that you want.

An alternative search is the Quick Search All Titles By option on the bottom of the Image Library page. By clicking on one of the listed artists names, you will pull a list of every title by that artist that we have in our database.

Once you pull a list of titles, by either search method, you'll usually be given an option to Narrow Your Results. This option will be located in the upper-right corner of the page, below the Doubletake Gallery logo. There will be up to 4 pulldown menus in the area: Title Starts With or Artist, Type, Medium, and Subject. Each pulldown menu contains a list of available selections relative to the search results. When you select one of the items from a pulldown menu, the Image Library will automatically recalibrate the list and show you the new results.

Once you've pulled a list of titles, you'll see three tabs on the top of the Image Library page: Image View, Sortable List, and Reset Search. The default view is Image View. You'll see the list of search results with thumbnail images displayed, and details about each piece listed below the image. When you click on the Sortable List tab, the search results will be displayed as a columned list. The default sort method is alphabetical by title. You can click on a column header to resort by that column. Clicking on a column header a second time will reverse the sort order. If a column contains only one variant, you will not be given the option to sort by that column. Once you've sorted the list to your preferences, you can click back on the Image View tab, and the saved search results will be displayed with thumbnail images. While in the Sortable List mode, you can select to view the list as a Printer Friendly Version.

We're convinced that this is the easiest to use search page on the Internet, but as always, if you have a comment or suggestion for something that you would like to see, please Email us.

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