Saturday, July 27, 2024
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(952) 224-8333
This page allows you to search our extensive image library for reference information about specific artwork titles, even if you can only remember part of the title or part of the artist's last name. Simply enter a word or title in the Title field, or part of the artist's name in one of the Artists fields. The search is NOT case sensitive. Use the pulldown menus to select how you want your search to work.
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For up-to-the-minute information about the artwork that we can offer you, please visit our Current Inventory page.
All visual copyrights belong to the Artists. All rights reserved.
DISCLAIMER | The information on this page is for reference only. Even though we make every effort to keep the information up to date, the Artist and/or the Artist's Publisher should be considered the final authority on information about the work. We make no claims about availability or that we can supply you with any of the artwork listed on this page.
Doubletake Gallery
2400 N. 2nd Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55411
(952) 224-8333
Copyright © 2024 Doubletake Gallery, All Rights Reserved